Tuesday, April 15, 2014


There are lot of opinions and idea of our purpose of school because everyone have their own idea of what they want to do with their life. From an early age,we've been told that ''EDUCATION IS THE KEY OF SUCCESS'' If we study hard,get good grades,go to college and plan something about what we want to do with  our life.
But as for me,my purpose of school is to get good grade in both high school and college so that i can get the chance to get a better home and environment for future kids or children. Having a good place and environment for your future children will show how good you play the role of father. It also shows a good significant for your kids what they should do in life.And doing this will prepare the kids for a specific career.

How to succeed in school???????????????

There are lot of things that can help you succeed in school

Have a Schedule,Hang Out with Smart Friends,Challenge Yourself, Ask When You Don't understand,Take notes even if your teachers don't require it,read a lot, write.


What gets in my way of success?????????

There are things that gets in my way of success,example: Playing Games. There is a say that "ALL WORK AND NO PLAY,MAKES JACK A DULL BOY" But anytime i play games a lot ,i forget about things i studied in school and also get addicted to it. Games can make you have fun even though you are bored, but it have a site effect which is going to affect your school success. So let just stop playing games and start focussing on school things. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What gets in your way of success

What gets in your way of your school success.
What gets in my way of success are a lot of stuff,but the most things that gets in my success of school is sports.
Sports are things that brings fun and even makes you loose some calories. But when I do sports in school, I always forget about doing my home works and assignment because I get tired and feel too weak after I do sports.
Anytime I express myself in all these kind of stuff about sports, I start dropping in my works and get some bad grades. But I try to improve myself and push myself. Even though this gets in my way of success I try to improve myself.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What helps you succeed in school

What helps you succeed in school.
There is lot of things that make me succeed in school but this teacher is the most person that make me succeed in school. He is called Mr Michael Juneau who teaches math(geometry). He always try to help me me to get good grades in his class but I mostly feel shy to participate in the class but he help me a lot.He is sometimes racist but always what he do to me makes me succeed in other classes. I wish all my teachers treat me like how he make me succeed but I don't get that.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Ayala Juan is my friend

He became my friend in Algebra class, we work together as brothers and we are still very good in our class we are now.
He is a very good defender in soccer like Sergio Ramos in REAL MADRID
He is 17years,who always want to try different things in life. We help each other even though the other is struggling.
Is my expectation that we will be friends for a long period of time.
Sometimes he make fun of me and get me mad easily, he is still my friend.
I like how he makes me happy when we walking home together.
He is very respectful to everyone even young kids.
He is the best of all people.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What is the purpose of school

What is the purpose of school
I'm very proud to  write something about the purpose of school. Everybody have an opinion about their purpose of school so mine is way different from my purpose of school.
My opinion about the purpose of school is to be like this man.This man is very talented,good and honestly a cool and humble person.He has been talented since he was young.His dad was a drummer so he turn being a drummer. He has been a drummer in BHS for long time.
I came to school just to be a good drummer because I'm talented and I play a lot of instruments example bass guitar,lead guitar, piano and Conga. This man have help me reading music and I'm now good in reading lot of music in America.